Welcome to my Web Design Portfolio.
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About This Portfolio
Thank you for taking the time to view my web design portfolio. I am aware that there are a limited number of examples at present, I am trying to add more examples of my work as often as I can, however, due to my workload updates can be somewhat sporadic.
More examples of my web design work are available upon request. Alternatively, to get a better idea of my capabilities you can also view my logo design portfolio or my graphic design portfolio both offer further insights into my style of design.
I always recommend viewing web design portfolios before hiring a web designer as this will give you a good idea of their style and if you like what you see, then it is highly probable that you will like what they design for you.
Web design portfolios can vary radically from designer to designer as many of us have our own unique style.
For example, some designers may focus on very minimal layouts, whilst others may have more elaborate graphical styles.
My personal style is quite varied, I do not focus on one niche style at all. I have had a long career in design (over 25 years at the time of writing this) and during that career I have worked on projects of all styles including information focussed websites, professional business websites for more corporate brands, and more graphical layouts that make good use of animation and video.
So whatever your needs from the more detailed and illustrative to the more sleek, clean, minimal and modern I am confident that I can design what you need.
I would love to discuss your project with you, so if you are considering hiring me then please do not hesitate to get in touch.