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Expert Logo Design Birmingham by Martin Williams.

I am going to assume that you are on this page because you are looking for a logo designer based near Birmingham, UK. You have probably been searching for “Logo Design Birmingham” or “Logo Designer Birmingham” when you came across my website, in which case you are in the right place!

Hey there, my name is Martin Williams and I am a veteran logo designer with over 25 years experience, I am based in Stourbridge a small town, just outside Birmingham, UK.

I have lived in Stourbridge now for over 30 years, and worked with many businesses in Birmingham in that time so you will have probably seen plenty of my work around town and the local area at some point.

So, if you are looking to hire an experienced local logo designer let me give you some information about the logo design services that I offer (please see below).

Logo Design Birmingham
Logo Design Birmingham

My Logo Design Prices

OK, so I offer a range of logo design packages at various price points depending upon your individual logo design needs.

However, I can also provide bespoke quotes should, for instance, you already have a specific concept in mind for your logo and you just need someone to bring that logo design idea to life.

If you would like to view my logo design prices and packages you can do so using the link above or the button below. 

My Logo Design Experience

As I mentioned briefly above, I have over 25 years experience in designing logos, so rest assured that your branding project would be in safe hands.

However, I don’t just design logos for local companies in Birmingham and the surrounding area, during my long career I have designed logos for businesses worldwide and I have also worked on some huge brands.

My Logo Design Portfolio

Like all logo designers I have a portfolio of my previous work, I try to keep this updated, however, I am usually very busy (which is a good sign in itself) so updates can be sporadic.

I recommend to anyone who is looking to hire a logo designer that they first view the prospective designers portfolio, because if you like their previous work then there is a good chance that you will also like what they design for you.

You can view my own portfolio using the button below. It is relatively extensive as I have been doing this for over 25 years, however, it is by no mean comprehensive, as I have worked on hundreds of logo designs during my career and I simply cannot post them all here as I would never get any work done!

However, should the need arise, I can always provide additional examples upon request. 

Logo Designer Birmingham
Logo Designer Birmingham

Logo Designer Reviews

Another recommendation I would make to anyone seeking to hire a logo designer would be to read the prospective designers reviews, specifically in regards to their logo design work if possible.

I have separated my own reviews into three groups, I have one set of reviews that relate specifically to my logo design work, then another for my graphic design work and then also a set of reviews related to my web design work.

I did this for two reasons, firstly transparency, if it were me then I would want it to be clear which reviews relate to which service. Secondly, I have absolutely tons of great reviews from some amazing clients, so I expect that it is just easier to read them separately.

You can read my own logo design reviews using the link above or the button below, thank you.

Logo Design FAQ's

Hopefully this page answers most of your questions, however, if you would like to know more about my own logo design services specifically then you can always read my logo design frequently asked questions, this section answers the questions I get asked on a regular basis.

If you would like to know more about my logo design packages and what they include then you can do that here.

If you would like to read more about logo design in general and gain an insight into logo design costs, as well as why different projects require different budgets, then you can do that here (warning it is a long read).

Alternatively, if you cannot find the answers you seek on any of those pages then please do not hesitate to get in touch and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Would You LIke to Hire Me..?

If after reading the above, you now feel that you have enough information and you are ready to make an enquiry then you can do so using the button below, or by using any of my other contact details. Thank you for your time, I look forward to the possibility of working with you in the near future.